why waluuta? Buy Coin

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Waluuta blockchain-based

platform was developed to solve

the problems of existing foreign

exchange services.

As this problem has persisted over the years, travelers are advised to use their local banks for foreign exchange before traveling. Travelers may also have to go through some lengthy processes to get an approved transaction from their local banks. Eventually, they resort to airport exchange services.

Waluuta Card Waluuta Second

Existing Problems

High Transaction Fees

Transaction Process

Credit Card Charges

Uncertainty of Future

Exchange Rate

Travelers pay up to $5 for using a foreign ATM and 3% foreign exchange fees. So if a traveler withdraws $100, they would have to pay up to 8% fee. And, the bank currency exchange process may be time-consuming for travelers. Travelers may also be required to provide some documents before transactions are approved.

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Solution Expatiation

Zero Transaction Fees

Credit Card Services

At the point of transactions, users can save conversion fees by leveraging their in-app wallet to scan QR codes of partnering retail companies for immediate payment of service rendered.

Waluuta integrates an optional credit card service that holders can use at ATMs to make cash withdrawals. Unlike traditional credit cards, users can leverage their crypto cards to withdraw and earn convertible reward.

Solution Ellipse Transaction Transaction

What is Waluuta?

Why Waluuta?

What is Waluuta?

Blockchain Wallet Integration

Allows Waluuta holders to manage their coins alongside other cryptocurrencies.

Sustainable Partnerships

WAL users can walk into a local restaurant, make purchases and make payments with the WAL coin.

Without Exchange Bureaus

By using a platform with an integrative wallet that aids immediate payment, travelers can do without exchange bureaus and save money to build wealth passively.

Direct Coin Withdrawal

The wallet automatically converts the coins into its equivalent fiat currency for users to withdraw through their bank accounts.

Payment System

Waluuta integrates a payment system that enables users to pay for services easily.

Ecosystem Overview

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Waluuta decentralized platform integrates a coin system that can be used for transactions across different countries, thus eliminating the need for traditional exchangers.

Through the Wallet system, users can directly send the Wal coins to service providers as payments for products or services or exchange the coin for other coins that are also acceptable to peculiar service providers.

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Service Providers Service Providers
Visa Circle 1 Visa Sign
Visa Circle 2 Mastercard Sign
Card Middle


Token name

There are over 38,000 cryptocurrency ATMs in the USA alone

Wal coins holders can either leverage these ATMs to withdraw their WAL coins in the local currency or use any Mastercard supported ATM to withdraw cash.

The ecosystem aims to partner with international and local retail companies to make it easy for users to make immediate payments for purchases without the need to own cash.

Wal holders only need to scan the QR code with their decentralized wallet to make immediate payment to these service providers.

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Why Integrate CryptoCard?


Q1 2022

Whitepaper Creation

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Creation

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Wallet testing

Q2 2022

Web Application Development

Mobile Application Development

Integration of wallet facilities in the mobile and web application

Testing of both applications

Q3 2023

Coin Offering

Coin Listing on Exchanges


Partnership with local and international companies

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